
Age Concern GX Plus Information Centre

A new information centre has been opened at 8 Market Place Chalfont St Peter offering advice and support from Monday to Fridays from 9am to 2 pm. Age Concern GX Plus also offers access to Yoga and Chair Exercise classes, Lunch and Coffee Clubs for all ages. Their web site is at or phone 01753 917 241

Following the Engagement Process we hoped to explain plans to develop as a Health and Wellbeing Centre at St Peter's Feast Day.

Thanks to those who visited our stall  where we recieved many supporting comments  for the plans for the hospital. We had hoped to tell you more about the improvement of our hospital site and the services planned for our community but the "Space Committee" of Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust found it was difficult to find a contractor prepared to undertake the work required to solve damp issues. For this reason BHT were not .ready to plan details of the services to be provided.

You can find out more about the Feast Day Celebrations from the web site at

Our Local Community Pharmacist Consultation Service

Our local Pharmacists are important members of the NHS Health and Wellbeing Community. They can now provide advice and in some cases can prescribe treatments for common conditions (including earache,sore throats, uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women and contraceptive pills.. NHS England has introduced a new, same-day "Community Pharmacist Consultation Service". This makes it possible for  people with minor health conditions to be referred by their Primary Care Team  to their community pharmacist for clinical assessment, advice and treatment.  In our locality three pharmacies offer this service:

Boots, Gerrards Cross

Richard Adams, Chalfont St Peter

Lloyds, Chalfont St Giles

Pharmacies also offer "Safe Spaces" where people can talk about difficult issues such as domestic violence in a secure and confidential setting. Further information is provided on the Hall Practice web site at 

News Update Pharmacy First

This week the Government annouced plans to extend its Pharmacy First Scheme across England this will make it possible for pharmacies to provide access to more basic medicines for common conditions.such as sore throats, earache, Impetigo, Shingles, Uninary Tract Infections and Sinusitis.

New paragraph

The Friends Gardeners

A Team of Friends has long helped keep the Gardens  in order . We recently sorted out the gardens behind the Reception desk and cleared the windows of the Physiotherapy clinics from overgrowing plants. We were thanked by the staff for letting new light into their rooms. 

Our new Committee Member

We are delighted to announce that Des Bray has joined our committee. He is a Parish Councillor of Chalfont St Giles and a very active local citizen. 

Development of the Hall Practice

We hear from our local GP that from 30th of January there will be building work carried out to prepare the empty Chalcot Health Centre for occupation by the Hall Practice. Following this the Calcot Medical Centre will also be refurbished as the premises of the Allan Practice. These developments, which will provide more space and facilities for two of our local practices,  have been approved and Funded by NHS England. While building work is undertaken car parking will stll be available for patients at the practices and in the hospital car park.

Our new Committee Member from Gerrards Cross Town Council

We hope the Trustees of the Friends will bring together representatives of our local communities and community groups to particpate in the development of the Centre for Healh and Wellbeing. We already have representatives of local organisations like Headway and Age Concern GX Plus as well as those who have previously worked at the Hospital. We have now asked the GX Town Council and local Parish Councils if they would like to join us, at least during the development of the Centre..

We are glad to be able to announce that Brian Peck has agreed to join us as a GX Town Councillor. We look forward to working with him. His experience as a Town Councillor and in prperty development is proving invaluable to the committee.

The Friends Flowers

The  Friends Flowers are back!  For  many years the Friends  have provided flowers for the Hospital with the help of the GX Flower Club, to give it a more welcoming atmosphere. We were asked to stop when COVID struck but it seems we can now carry on this tradition. 

Thanks to the Friend that contributed this display.

Ultra Sound may be coming 

The X-Ray suite at the Hospital, funded in part some 60 years ago by the Friends,  has not been in use for many years.  We now hear that it may be replaced by an Ultrasound facility. While this is perhaps best known for showing your unborn baby, it has many other uses from examining your heart, liver, kidneys and other organs in the tummy and pelvis, as well as other conditions that can be assessed through the skin, such as muscles and joint problems or varicose veins . Where more complex examinations are required the Amersham Hospital Community Diagnostic Centre will be used. We will provide more details on this service when available.

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