The Chalfonts and GX Centre for Health and Wellbeing
Further Update for our Future at our 2024 AGM
At our Annual General Meeting on 4th November 2024 Sara Sabine (Chair of the Friends) noted that the Friends had been unable to fund the extension and .improvement of services for patients and staff due to delays in the rectification of damp issues at the hospital and the planning of integrated services to improve the health and wellbeing of our community.
Victoria Perkins (from BHT) reported that the damp issues have now been addressed but problems in the X Ray department meant that it would not be economically viable to remove the equipment and utilise this space. For this reason the planned redevelopment of space at the hospital had to be reconsidered. However, she noted that the site was now very busy and provided services for a wide range of patients (as shown on the Welcome page). It is estimated that the hospital now provides services for some 300 patients every week She announced that a Project Manager would be appointed to support further development of the hospital, which would shortly be renamed as a Centre for Health and Wellbeing. She hoped that it would be possible in early January to discuss opportunities for the Friends to continue their quest to assist in the development of the centre.
The AGM were also addressed by Dr Ran Hettiaratchi and Dr Tilly Siva (the Leaders of the Chalfonts and South Bucks Primary Care Networks). They introduced their ideas to work with the Friends, Age Concern and other local support groups and health and care professionals from BHT, BCC and Wexham in an Integrated Neighbourhood Team to support people with Frailty. They noted that they proposed to start with a limited pilot programme which they would build on to develop a full range of integrated support and care services, including such ideas as a Wellbeing Cafe.
Update of Plans for our Future 2023
At our Annual General Meeting on 6th November 2023 Sara Sabine (Chair of the Friends) noted that the objectives of the Friends were to: mobilise, encourage, foster and maintain the interest of the public in the patients and to support the work of the Hospital by means of voluntary services. The Friends will pursue these objectives a) by raising funds and receiving contributions or donations and b)y assisting in the provision of amenities in the Hospital for patients and staff. She noted that the Friends were eager to assist in this way and had been in continued discussion with Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust (BHT) and are eagerly waiting for news from the Trust about the further development of the site as a Health and Wellbeing Centre and the services – old and new to be provided in the future.
Jeff Coteman (Friends Treasurer) reported that funds were close to £2 million and income from interest could reach £86 thousand but it was impossible to spend money on refurbishment, facilities and amenities because essential challenges in completing residual building works have been difficult to resolve. He noted the frustration felt by the Friends. It was therefore decided not to ask members for financial contributions this year.
Victoria Perkins and Gemma Thomas (from BHT) reported that a contractor had now been appointed after a number of unavoidable delays to rectify a significant damp issue across the ground floor and that it would soon be possible in early January to discuss opportunities for the Friends to continue their quest to assist in the development of the new wellbeing centre. They noted that many services had already returned to the hospital and that a growing number of patients are able to access these services via the usual referral pathway. Ideas of how existing space could be used included a discussion on the potential for a digital hub, bookable space and the area known formally as the surgery to showcase some of the heritage of the building.
Graham Lister replied for the Friends, that we look forward to continuing the engagement process started in 2021. He stressed the value that the Friends placed on integrated physical and mental health and social care and the need to inform and engage the local community in managing their own health and wellbeing. He asked for local leadership of integrated services that would be visible and instrumental in working with the local community.
Plans for our Future 2022
At our AGM on the 7th of November 2022 Sara, invited Jennifer Ricketts (Director of Community Transformation at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT)) to outline the current services and plans for the future agreed following the public engagement exercise by BHT and the Friends. These plans support the aims set out by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment agreed by Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust and Buckinghamshire County Council. After discussing the aims and progress of BHT and the Buckinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership, she introduced plans for the future of the centre providing:
Start Well Services:
Supporting families and children with services including: Midwifery, Health Visiting, Child Health Clinics and Developmental Checks, School Nursing, and School Age Immunisation
Healthy Living support through: Outpatient Clinics: Audiology, Cardiology, Gynaecology and Sexual Health, Diabetes Support, Breast Screening, Phlebotomy) Physiotherapy, and Vaccination Centre (till Jan 23rd).
Age Well Services:
District Nursing, Rapid Response Intermediate Care and Urgent Care Services Podiatry, Ear Wax Removal
Further Services Planned to create a Centre for Health and Wellbeing
As an extension to these current services, from the 23rd of January 2023, once vaccination clinics are completed, Clinic Space will be made available for BHT and Wexham Park hospitals, Oxford Mental Health services and Bucks Social Care teams. These will be provided in bookable consultation spaces for confidential appointments, there will also be spaces for group interventions, Space will also be available for Community Support Groups for health and wellbeing. Teams working at the hospital will be able to book shared office spaces. Integrated multi-disciplinary working will be encouraged by a Communal Space for team members to relax and share ideas.
A Digital Health and Care Hub will be developed to help people use online health and care services to book services, attend online consultations and use mobile devices, which are increasingly available to monitor health conditions and emergencies.
A Start Well Hub will be introduced to support children and their families affected by physical or mental health and social care needs.
These integrated services will work with the Chalfonts Primary Care Network to provide whole person, community care in or near our homes, while supporting and enabling community groups and self-care.
Note that while services are described in 3 broad categories many are open to all patients.